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Class of 1964 Reply  |   Post Message  |   Message List
Reflections.... - 11
06/18/19     Archer Thomasson  (1965)      Archer1710@msn.com
On May 7th or 8th, 2019, I went to Sam’s Club in Roanoke, and was eating a hot dog in the Café. Charlie Van Lear walked by and said ‘hot dog time’. I told him to get a dog, but the fountain drink machine was out and that they only had tea and water. He walked over to the counter, but returned with the response ‘shute, a dog is no good without a coke’. He sat down and we started updating one another on ‘life’. My wife permits me one dog a week, and obviously Sally gave Charlie a pass on a dog a month or so. Charlie has accused me of ‘living in Sam’s’, as I probably go there 2 or 3 times a week, and walk around the store….usually around lunch, when I eat a dog, or a slice of pizza. Charlie always had a story, usually about ‘Husky’, Troy Wells, or something funny that happened in the ‘ville. You know, I realize now that we never talked politics, and that told you something about Charlie. Though we probably had the same political thoughts, Charlie was never opinionated. I learned that some of my son in law, Allan Davidson’s first words were ‘Charlie!’ across the fence in his back yard. Allan and his parents lived next door to Charlie and Sally. It would remain to this day, Charlie and Sally’s only home. As I sat in Bonsack Baptist Church today in Charlie’s memorial service, reflections supported the eulogies shared by two of Charlie’s ministers. Dr. Cadenhead said that Charlie was not the type of person to ‘stand out’, though his stature demanded that. He said that Charlie had a ‘quiet reverence, godliness, and holiness….something that we should all aspire to’. I don’t know how many people that sanctuary holds, but it was full. I would estimate 500. I sat behind Moir Hill, beside Bill Carrico, and in front of Dan Wooldridge (all coaches). I spoke with Chuck Poss, former owner of the King’s Inn and a big Shag Club Man. There were teachers, shaggers, coaches, neighbors, and yes, even students who credited Charlie with ‘changing their life’. Once again, Martinsville, a son has made a ‘difference’, and we ARE all proud of ‘this gentle giant’….archie
06/18/19     Robert Anderson  (1974)     
Re: Reflections....
That is a beautiful tribute.
06/21/19     Jim & Myra Stegall  (1963)      jimmyra09@comcast.net
Re: Reflections....
Archer: You, as well as Charlie, are both fine examples of the great people that have funneled out of that old building on Cleveland Avenue in Martinsville. Frank Barrows, who recently passed on, was another. It's not so much what you have done, but who you are. As we get into full swing of this Sunset Season of our lives, mourning the loss of so many friends and family, memories of so many pleasing time such as you have described nourish our souls. You are a gentleman of the first water. Thank you and God bless you and yours. Jim & Myra Stegall
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